The cornerstone of a successful audit is the process of understanding the business understand the drivers and risks facing business and market. Our professionals inspire trust in data and financial information and our focus on innovation delivers efficiency and value to our clients. We are committed to providing high quality audits by using advanced technologies that have the ability to reshape the audit process.
D M D Y & Associates LLP is a Chartered Accountant Firm with team of qualified and motivated professionals, offering integrated one-stop services to clients in India and around the world.
No. 2/12 (F1), Kaveri Street,
Gandhi Nagar, Saligramam,
Chennai - 600 093,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Regus Shyamala Gardens,
No.136, Arcot Road, 3rd Floor,
Shyamala Tower, Saligramam,
Chennai - 600 093,
Tamil Nadu, India
+91 98948 99197
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