@use('App\Helpers\Helpers') @php $currencyCode = Helpers::getDefaultCurrencyCode(); $currencySymbol = ($currencyCode == 'INR') ? "Rs." : Helpers::getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); @endphp {{ $settings['general']['site_title'] }}

Bill/Tax Invoice

(Original for Recipient)

Sold By:

{{ $order->store['store_name'] }},

{{ $order->store['address'] }},

{{ $order->store['city'] }} - {{ $order->store['pincode'] }}

{{ $order->store['state']['name'] }} - {{ $order->store['country']['name'] }}

Billing Address



(+{{$order->consumer['country_code']}}) - {{$order->consumer['phone']}},


{{$order->billing_address['city']}} - {{$order->billing_address['pincode']}},

Order Details

Order Numb. - {{$order->order_number}}

Order Date - {{$order->created_at->format("d/m/Y")}}

Shop id - {{$order->store->pos_shop_id}}

Platform the order is placed - Website Order

Shipping Address


(+{{$order->shipping_address['country_code']}}) - {{$order->shipping_address['phone']}}


{{$order->shipping_address['city']}}, {{$order->shipping_address['pincode']}},

@php $totalSinglePrice = 0; $totalPrice = 0; $totalQuantity = 0; $totalSubtotal = 0; $totalDiscount = 0; $totalRebate = 0; $totalShipping = 0; $totalCGST = 0; $totalSGST = 0; $totalFinalAmount = 0; @endphp @foreach ($order->products as $no => $product) @php $price = (float) $product->price; $singlePrice = (float) $product->pivot->single_price; $quantity = (int) $product->pivot->quantity; $subtotal = (float) $quantity * $price; $discount = (float) ($product->discount / 100) * $price; $rebate = (float) $product->rebate; $shippingCost = (float) $product->pivot->shipping_cost; $taxRate = (float) ($product->tax ? $product->tax->rate : 0); $totalTaxAmount = (($quantity * ($price - $discount)) * $taxRate) / 100; $cgstAmount = $totalTaxAmount / 2; $sgstAmount = $totalTaxAmount / 2; // Summing up totals with numeric values $totalPrice += $price; $totalSinglePrice += $singlePrice; $totalQuantity += $quantity; $totalSubtotal += $subtotal; $totalDiscount += $discount - $rebate; $totalRebate += $rebate; $totalCGST += $cgstAmount; $totalSGST += $sgstAmount; $totalShipping += $shippingCost; $finalAmount = $product->pivot->subtotal + $shippingCost + $totalTaxAmount; $totalFinalAmount += $finalAmount; @endphp @endforeach
No Product Code Product Name Amount Qty Subtotal Discount Rebate CGST SGST Shipping Charges Grand Total
{{ ++$no }} {{ $product->product_code }} {{ $product->name }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($price, 2) }} {{ $quantity }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($subtotal, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($discount - $rebate, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($rebate, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($cgstAmount, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($sgstAmount, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($shippingCost, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($finalAmount, 2) }}
Total {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalPrice, 2) }} {{ $totalQuantity }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalSubtotal, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalDiscount, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalRebate, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalCGST, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalSGST, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalShipping, 2) }} {{ $currencySymbol }} {{ number_format($totalFinalAmount, 2) }}
Amount in words :
Bank Transaction ID: Date & Time: Invoice Value: Mode of Payment: Type of Gateway
503009860293 2025-01-30 19:24:22.0 12370.00 Net Banking {{ preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', $order->payment_method) }}

No Return Policy And Any query or doubts feel free to contact Toll Free Number: 1800-599-7633